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Ferteco Project

FERTECO is a reality

FERTirrigation ECOsustainable in the Mar Menor watershed. (FERTECO).

The project is part of one of the main challenges worldwide, which is to maintain food supply through agricultural production under the scenario of water scarcity, accentuated by climate change, and the requirement to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers that generate diffuse contamination of water bodies.

Biodiversity Foundation (MITECO)

Full financing: 2.315.820 €
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026

Purpose of the project

To achieve intelligent and sustainable fertigation

The project contemplates the validation and implementation of fertilization treatments related to the circular economy and biosolutions of natural origin in the main crops of the Mar Menor watershed (CVMM). Mar Menor basin (CVMM).

The implementation of innovative technologies, such as sensor monitoring systems that control soil moisture and nutrient content, irrigation water treatment and the use of non-conventional water resources.

These different agricultural managements will be carried out in horticultural and woody plots cultivated in areas classified as vulnerable to diffuse nitrate pollution with different degrees (zones 1 and 2 of the CVMM).

In order to improve efficiency in the use of water and fertilizers (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus), as well as to improve soil quality and biodiversity in the agricultural system. soil quality and biodiversity of the agricultural system.


Solving the problems currently facing the agricultural and the agricultural and ecological sector is currently facing

Therefore, the best agricultural and environmental practices achieved are transferred

Through the development of general and specific guidelines on eco-sustainable fertigation protocols in the main crops of the CVMM to achieve the transformation of the agricultural sector towards a new model that avoids contamination by leaching of groundwater bodies, improves its biodiversity and involves an improvement in commercialization and market differentiation. and differentiation in the markets.
